Danh sách các quốc gia tham gia Công ước Lahay số 33 về bảo vệ trẻ em và hợp tác trong lĩnh vực con nuôi quốc tế

                                                           Members of the Organisation
                                                   Non-Member States of the Organisation
1) S = Signature
2) R/A/Su = Ratification, Accession or Succession
3) Type = R: Ratification;
A: Accession;
A*: Accession giving rise to an acceptance procedure; click on A* for details of acceptances of the accession;
C: Continuation;
Su: Succession;
Den: Denunciation;
4) EIF = Entry into force
5) Ext = Extensions of application
6) Auth = Designation of Authorities
7) Res/D/N = Reservations, declarations or notifications 

Last update: 9-XI-2011
Number of Contracting States to this Convention: 85


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